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Book review: ’27 Powers’ convinces

By Rhett Wilkinson, For the Deseret News Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2011 12:08 p.m. MDT “27 POWERS OF PERSUASION: Simple Strategies to Seduce Audiences and Win Allies,” by Chris St. Hilaire, Penguin, 240 pages Leaning over someone, using five minutes to make your audience feel safe and staying in the present were just a few of [...]

12Oct2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Support From The Start

Chris St. Hilaire columnist for Smart Business.  Get employees to love your plan by making it theirs Source: sbnonline.com

1Feb2011 | | 0 comments | Continued
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The Power of Persuasion

Getting What You Want—The Power of Persuasion Posted By: Gloria McDonough-Taub | CNBC, Senior Editor, Blogs Guest Author Blog by: Chris St. Hilaire author of “27 POWERS OF PERSUASION: Simple Strategies To Seduce Audiences & Win Allies” Persuasion for CEOs (And Those Who Want their Bosses Job) One critical characteristic in any business leader’s success, especially [...]

22Sep2010 | | 0 comments | Continued
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What does Buddhism have to do with persuasion?

It’s fundamental. Most people think “ego” is the same thing as self-regard, but the Buddhist concept of ego is different. It’s more fluid. Buddhists believe that inside each of us is a constant struggle between the ego that says, “I’m different. I’m special,” and the spirit that knows we’re all the same. The ego wants [...]

22Sep2010 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Jurors Adding Lawyer Fees

Jurors are typically instructed not to include attorney fees when considering damage awards. Think they’re listening? Nationwide data collected this year from our jury focus groups is telling: A whopping 76 percent say they would take lawyers’ fees into account when determining damage awards. That tendency isn’t attributable to Americans’ love of ignoring judges, but [...]

2Sep2010 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Attention Business Leaders

This book is a valuable resource for current and future leaders in the workplace and beyond. http://www.bookpage.com/reviews.php?id=10002692

23Aug2010 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Powers of Persuasion

Whether people know it or not just about every aspect of their life involves persuasion.  Whether you’re CEO of a major corporation, starting a recycling campaign in your city or just trying to get your child to clean their room, persuasion is a part of just about every endeavor. But after conducting many focus groups [...]

1Jan1907 | | 2 comments | Continued