
Book review: The Startup Daily
The Startup Daily October 17, 2011 Volume #207 A More Positive Way to Say No People don’t like hearing no, especially to their own ideas. It’s a rejection and it can make people feel stupid. It only takes a moment to rephrase that no in a more positive way. Instead of Saying No, Say [...]
17Oct2011 | Chris St. Hilaire | 0 comments | Continued
Book review: ’27 Powers’ convinces
By Rhett Wilkinson, For the Deseret News Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2011 12:08 p.m. MDT “27 POWERS OF PERSUASION: Simple Strategies to Seduce Audiences and Win Allies,” by Chris St. Hilaire, Penguin, 240 pages Leaning over someone, using five minutes to make your audience feel safe and staying in the present were just a few of [...]
12Oct2011 | Chris St. Hilaire | 0 comments | Continued